The Day Loretta Was Born

1966 January 03

Created by Susan 15 years ago
Daddy: And ah next thing Martha told me she was pregnant again. I said, “Well hell, I going to have to go thru this again?” Susan: So long came Loretta. Where were you when Mama had to go to the hospital? Daddy: Then, Benny Peppers Benny was Mama’s 2nd cousin) was on the South River there at the bridge. Susan: In Riverdale? Daddy: No. Susan: In Lakewood. Daddy: At the end of 81. Susan: Ok. Daddy: Where it crosses Flint River. Susan: Oh, ok. Tell me about Loretta being born? You said you were with Benny Peppers and you were on 81. Daddy: Right off 81, he was a fishing and ah, and I think his old lady was there at the house. She called Benny and told Benny. Susan: How did she call Benny, cause Benny didn’t have a cell phone in ‘64? Daddy: Well he did. Daddy: Anyway, we jumped in the damn car, high tailed it to the house, the ambulance done took Loretta Susan: No, Mama. Daddy: Took Loretta, Ya, Martha on to the Emory Hospital and I, Benny jumped out and I throwed in gear, coming down the driveway and I strung gravel everywhere. The way I knew how to get into the hospital is go down Boulevard, in other words, the back way. And I was turning into the parking lot as the ambulance was pulling up into Susan: Emergency Lane. Daddy: I had that little old, I believe ‘56 Ford two tone Coupes. Susan: Ok. So how was the delivery with Loretta, I know she had a C-section with her too. Daddy: The delivery went all right. But she took to busting up. Susan: Ya, back then they did staples. Daddy: Staples? Susan: Back then they did stitches and staples. Daddy: They used cat gut on me. Susan: Mmm. I remember when Loretta was born, because I was at the hospital and I don’t know who took me up there, but I waited and I waited and I waited and I know Ina was there. No it wasn’t Ina it was Granny. I remember the floor, it had black and white checks all over the black and white checks and I remember looking in the window seeing Loretta and that’s all I remember when Loretta was born. Susan: Do you remember what the nurses said about Loretta? Daddy: No. We knew she was going to be a little girl. Susan: How did you know? Daddy: Cat scan. Susan: It’s called an ultrasound back then. And how did ya’ll come up with Ina Loretta? I know how you came up with Ina Daddy: Well, Ina Peppers always coming and checking on Martha. I ask her what is she going to name it? She said she was gonna name it after Aunt Ina. Susan: I said, “What else? Daddy: She told me. Susan: She name Loretta after Loretta Young . Daddy: Ya. She said she was gonna name it “Loretta Young after the movie star. I think you and her both are named after movie stars. Susan: Sheree North. Daddy: Yep. Susan: Well, what else do you remember about Loretta, did she cry a lot in the hospital or she pee all over you too? Daddy: No, I was a little too quick for Loretta. I knew she was going to pee, I slid her back under the cover with her Mama. Susan: Oh, so you let Loretta pee on Mama? Daddy: Pee on the bed.